Many of my works include psychopomps _ mystical or religious guides whose function is, according to Jungian psychology, to act as archetypal mediators between the unconscious and conscious realms. Psychopomps seem to be a universal phenomenon and can be found in almost all religions and mythologies around the world. Some of the most well-known psychopomps include the Archangel Michael, the Greek god Hermes, and the Egyptian jackal-headed god Anubis.
Incorporating or outlining psychopomps in my art or motifs has not been a conscious decision but is rather an intuitive materialization of an internal psychological process to express the need to re-establish a relation and connection with nature by "personifying it.
For me painting means "inner art works exploring a metaphysical level of communication as a counterweight to the communication structures that many of us are forced to adapt to in our everyday adult lives.
Therefore, I do not paint real entities but focus on trying to make the invisible visible by depicting life energy as a whole using subtle layers of perception for visualization.